
Showing posts from January, 2017

Who will fix us?

BVA : I could feel his hands caress my skin softly while I reminisced in the days leading up to this. OGO : Those were like the days when the sunshine sparkles stardust to our eyes and we teased. BVA : He whispered that Lights would guide you home and ignite your bones. And i will try to fix you. OGO : She took my breath away with her stance that shook my sanity, till I had no clue. BVA : I know it’s really clichéd but he’s got a smile that can light up a room and fill your heart with warmth. OGO : From afar I know she is hot. Like a fire am burning with her amber eyes till I became ashes and burnt. BVA : My lips curled as he whispered those words into my ears as we laid there tangled in each other. OGO : With my dying breath I wrapped my arms round her tiny waist; and she whispered to me that am her soldier. BVA : Right now all I wanted was to look into the eyes of the one person that i cared about, not a skype video, to tell him he was my world

Darkness and Dust

Darkness beckons, rustling with the night, Soothingly it soothes, like a symphony; Dusts we are, moulded in the light; Immortality is far, yet it comes like an harmony.. When the music of nature resonates at its youth; The inevitable clicks  with every full moon, Forgetfulness knocks heavily till the time cease and mute, Dust as we are, the end may come soon; The squares are full of spirits that are lost; The gravity clings them to the ground for their deeds, Darkness played an harmony that made them to dust, Separated they are, within the dark they feed; Feeding on the discordant of our society as it grows like blight, Those on the rock hid away the wind and rain;- Those two vitalities that brings to town every tiny rays of light, The inevitable further clicks and all is vanity and vain, Darkness hovers and gathers to choke the land of its essence, Decaying and gray, the ground calls harder with its thrust; The law of cause and effect ha


A beauty I beheld on a secluded street, Where the foundation of the first church was laid, The sepulchre of kingship stood in its midst, The fairies at night hovers at its lake, Within its core stood the throne of the first, Where the queen of the stars found its rest, The key to her abode was in the oblivion of the tide, Only the spirit that follows the season can be a guide, Aderonke the heir of the southern god, A seraph that dwells before the Elysian Lord, Thy crown was forged with jasper and dragon breath, Thou the embodiment of beauty and unfettered strength, The quest was like the stars those three wise men seek, The path to thy footstool only reveals to the strong but meek, There are fallen angels like Herod on this pathway to truth, Conquer the principalities with the sonority from thy flute, Let the stars guide thee to the cave of keys, At its epicentre thou will see the traces of its  glimpse, Be weary of its keeper they stings like