This day I came forth from the immerser, Evolved I became from a molten salt; Breathless, ageless... deeply was the hole; Am I still here ? with this flesh severely burnt!... It's cerebrospinal upholds like the incense of the wilderness, Like those our ancestors used to wade and bade; Whenever the flesh sought the lust consummating its sanity, For this now I seek atonement before I fade.. Beyond the line that the lights have shone not too bright; Hollowed... burrowed Neither the Wherewithal for the wages of sin I could bear; Nor the stomach for the mourning of the venerable sages in their lair, The remorseless soul wantonly contented with the fear; Is this how repentance feel? Where thou the feeling of elation that called loudly from the space of oblivion? Is this what Agogo-Ija the fearless of my clan died for? The warrior that made the forest of the gods a dominion. With his spear he bended the knees of the foreign gods, Insatiable, thirst...