The Memoir of 2016

The memoir of twenty sixteen, Plenty pages, but empty in-between, The sky was crimson red in summer Naira to Dollar came like a stunner, The menace of power came like the desert sun, Even the extremists came with their purging guns, They scorched my kinsmen to an ovum beat, We lost some good people to their flaming pit, The Cemetery was heavier in autumn; Its wind took my town-ship to the bottom, I heard their wailings even at the dusk, They lie on the street and smell like musk, Our solace came from the freed Chibok girls, After nearly 3 years in the devil snares, Those with the Sceptre took covenant with the devil, They used our girls and resources to settle… The Falcons soared through the hideous clouds, Amidst the lightening shredding their shrouds, Back at their nests, those golden eggs were gone; They were taken and re-laid as spawns, The roads has swallowed more on its lanes, It spilled countless bloods from our tinny veins, Plenty pot-holes t...