Lethal Flames.. I Smoke No More

Lethal flames,
Unholy smoke...
Un-toothy gaps,
Cancer poked.

I had you once,
Now I quit,
You had me choked;
Wantonly to your pit.

So enticing,
Warmly to my chest;
But my lungs shrieked,
Next to my dying nest.

Michael smokes like a chimney,
But yet to sick a day,
Now his son and neighbors are dying;
From inhaling the lethal hay.

The youths of my clan,
Never heed to public health call,
The Hollywood spirit dictates,
Cigarettes shackles and tentacles lures.

Though I am fastened to your grate;
And my breath heavy and stinks..
Inside me is lonely and black;
Yet I quit at my gravestone brinks.

Still don't know why I smoke,
I had Wrong peers and bad passages,
WHO, USAID and JCI preaches;
I should have listened to their messages.

For you it's never too late,
Stop smoking and free from its lust;
You can quit, yes you can;
Before you and friends turn to dust.


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